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Back To School Style with JCPenney




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You guys my baby is officially a Kindergartener! Can you believe it?! I sure can’t.

Roman has been so excited about going to school for as long as I can remember and the big day finally came! Yesterday was his first day and even though I might have cried all day, he said it was the “Best Day Ever!”. I got to meet his teacher earlier this week and I absolutely LOVE her, so that made the whole process a bit easier.

Every time I’d start getting sad yesterday, I kept reminding myself that this really is a happy day. I know there are so many parents out there with sick children or babies they have lost or are unable to have, that would love to be celebrating the first day of Kindergarten with their child. I’m so grateful that we have a healthy boy who was so happy and confident on his first day!



Earlier this week, I took him out for a little Mommy/Roman Date night. I hang out with the boys together all the time but since Kent has been gone this year, I really haven’t had many chances to spend one-on-one time with them. I printed out one of those questionnaires you can ask your kids off Pinterest, left my phone in my car, and had the best little conversation with him all night at his restaurant of choice; KFC. His answers to the questions were so cute I wanted to share them with y’all!

How old are you?

“Five…NO SIX!”

What makes you happy?

“When Me and Mommy go on dates.”

What is your favorite toy?

“Oh no this is hard…I have a lot of favorite toys…ok…I’m gonna say it…my ninja toys.”

What is your favorite stuffed animal?

“Oh I love them all….my tiny monkey.”

What is your favorite real animal?

“Oooooohhhhhh I love this question! A Penguin! I love Penguins! They slide on their bellies into the ice water!”


What is your favorite color?

“Blue. Easy.”

What is your favorite fruit?

“It’s gotta be grapes…”

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?

“Pancakes and Donuts!”

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?

“It’s gotta be fries…”

What is your favorite thing to drink?




What is your favorite movie?

“Spiderman, Star Wars, Batman and that spooky movie (aka Scooby Doo)”

What are you really good at?

“Soccer and Football!”

What is your favorite song?

“The Greatest Showman, Beauty and the Beast music, all your old songs…and that one song on Hotel Transylvania (aka the Macarena).”

Who is the Coolest Person on Earth?

“I can’t tell you.”

Me: “Why?”

“‘Cus I don’t want you to be sad…”

Me: “I won’t be sad. You can tell me…is it not me?”

*Shakes head no* “No, I’m sorry. It’s Rocky. He’s my number one.”

What do you like to do with Mom?

“When you play Star Wars Legos with me.”

What do you like to do with Dad?

“Guy Stuff.”

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be?


Who is your best friend?

“Beck, Emmy, Marshall, Tyler, Shelby and Colton….and Will!”

What is your favorite thing to say?

“Poopy Womba.” *can’t stop laughing*

What is your favorite thing to do outside?

“Play Air Force.”

What is your favorite book?

“My Superhero Doll Book.”

What is your favorite thing to sleep with?

“One?! No I have three. Mommy, Daddy and Rocky.”

What do you want to be when you grow up?

“I want to have a Robot company named Goliath. And I’ll build all the Robots so they can go fight all the bad guys and then dads won’t have to leave their family anymore. And my first Robot will be K2! And then my second Robot is named “The Rock” just like Rocky!”


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Gosh he is just the sweetest little human in the whole world. We had the best night at KFC, picking out school supplies and then watching his favorite movie, Scooby Doo, together.

I’ve had so much fun lately picking out some “Back to School” clothes for Rome! He’s never really had an opinion about his outfits until this year. He got so excited to go pick out school clothes and now he loves choosing out his outfits every morning. He saw this shirt at JCPenney last week that says “Taco ’bout Awesome” and he thought it was so funny. Haha! I could not get over the prices when we were shopping there (this t-shirt was only $4.99)!  They had a huge variety of stylish stuff in the boy’s section and the value was amazing!

My dress, booties and sunglasses are all from JCPenney too! They’re a one-stop shopping destination with affordable fashion for the whole family, plus an entire home decor section! Shopping at JCPenney is totally worth your time and money because their styles are priced to buy and guaranteed to love. The dress I’m wearing here is steal for only $19.99! I went up a size in it since it’s juniors sizing just FYI! It’s perfect for wearing now while it’s still hot out, and then pairing with a jacket or cardigan and boots in the Fall!

 A huge thank you to JCPenney for sponsoring today’s post! And a huge thank you to all of you that sent me the sweetest messages on Roman’s First Day! It meant so much to me. I know so many of you that read my blog are also Mommas and in the same boat I am! We got this.



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